Friday, April 17, 2009

A Week of Outings...

This was a week of outings, the most AJ has been out, including his doctor's visit, lunch with his Paw Paw and Great-Grandmother (my Dad and Grandmother), my follow-up visit and we look forward to his Uncle Conrey's wedding this weekend! Also, AJ is sleeping longer at night, he is more alert during the day and he even graces us with his handsome little smile :) he's cooing and beginning to giggle just a little too (although his smiles are a bit elusive when we pull out the!) Here are some of this week's highlight's...

Feeding time with Dad

Dad's first time bathing AJ

AJ with his Great-Aunt Mary, their first time meeting...
These pics were taken on Wednesday, before our lunch date with my Dad and Grandmother, we stopped by my work office, DKC, we are a family-owned and operated wholesaler of disposable healthcare products

Great-Grandmommy, Great-Uncle Johnny and Great-Aunt Peggy

Great-Uncle Hank

Four Generations out to lunch: Great-Grandmommy Guynn, Paw Paw Guynn, Mommy and AJ

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Fifth Week...more first time visits and other firsts!

Alas! There is light at the end of the proverbial tunnel (i.e. - AJ sleeping through the night...well, sort of...), this was one of the "firsts" this week. Another, our first trip to the mall together as a family, and more first-time visits :)

Cousin Kasey's first time visiting

Cousin Kortney and Great-Aunt Franny...they're veteran visitors :)

Cousin Gigi and Cousin Kortney...this was Gigi and AJ's first playdate :)

Gigi...strike a pose!

The shock-and-awe of hearing AJ poot for about 30 seconds...straight!!!

...yep, still going...

Great-Grandaddy McClury visiting for the first time :)

Great-Aunt Debbie also came bearing gifts...books, including a childhood classic I remember "Chicken Little"!

...ahh, to sleep without a care in the world!...

Kathy, one of my dear stamping buddies, visiting for the first time :)