Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Day Celebration!

Baby AJ's first Thanksgiving wasn't the only first for our family; this year, Arian and I hosted our very first Thanksgiving...there was plenty of food, family and fun! Enjoy :)

As we were getting things ready for Thanksgiving...I just had to get these snoozing shots of AJ...umm, clearly Mommy was in a multitasking zone to have put AJ in a stripped onesie, fatigue pants and colts socks...LOL!!!

Family started to come around 2ish...

As we prepared the table, everyone enjoyed yummy starters...

Naima, Hosea, Paris, Noah and Arian Jr.

...Conrey jumped in...

AJ and Aunt Sissy

The Fellas...Arian, Conrey, David (Pete Rose's brother...LOL, he really is, but the going joke was that everyone called him that instead of his name) and Dad Everett

Aunt Mel, Mommy and David

Keith, Erika and the kids

LaToya and Aunt Sis

Game time!!! Everyone came with their gamefaces on!

...okay, believe it or not this is EXACTLY how the kids were all sitting, unstaged!!! we all had to get our cameras out...

...and then came the funny pics...our motivation on this one was 90's girl-group cover

...our girly-girls had to get a few poses in too!

...the boys were more into the games than posing...imagine!

Reggie and AJ

Monday, November 23, 2009

Birthdays x 2 and Shantae's Baby Shower...

We would like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving! We have much to be thankful for, including you :) Enjoy!
This edition includes pics of AJ at his Friday playgroup, Joe's birthday party, Shantae's babyshower, Artist's birthday party and some other fun stuff for good measure!

These pics were taken while AJ was at his musical play group

He's thinking of giving the mandolin a go...

Kiara came over to spend a little time...we were in the holiday spirit so we made Thanksgiving -themed cards

...and then a few pics before heading to Joe's skating-rink birthday party...

Erika and Noah getting in some practice laps
The Birthday Boy, Joe (cousin, in center) with his buddy and sister, Venus
Theo with her cuties
Keith and Naima getting their skate on!

a pooped-party animal
We were honored to host Shantae's baby shower in our home...Danielle, Aunt Janice and the girls did all the shower decorating...

The Mommy-to-be all dolled beautiful!
Marsha and Marleigh came to celebrate

Games galore...this is alwasy an entertaing one...who can finish the baby bottle first?!
Surrounded by love and gifts!...

Daddy-to-be, Sam giving his Sweetie a hug

...while at Shantae's shower, Arian took AJ to our cousin Artist's 3rd birthday party...
Aunt Gwynn and AJ
PJ and Uncle Paul more Shantae baby shower pic...Danielle with AJ and Shantae
We visited Conrey and LaToya's church and then had dinner at their house...
LaToya and Paris
Conrey chilin'

Arian calling attention to Conrey and LaToya's 'full circle' experience...Arian is reading the back of a picture of Conrey that he gave to LaToya back in highschool...

I made Native-American feathered headbands with the kids at daycare...
We really love our church and church family...the Marriage Ministry (called After-I-Say-I Do ministry) hosted an evening of dinner and jazz and also had a mini workshop on effective ways to communicate with your spouse. We had a great time!

Me and my stamping (Stampin' Up!) buddies...we meet once a month over Kathy's house, where we let our creativites run wild...I really look forward to getting with them each month!
...Just relaxing with Dad...